Kundali Bhagya Today’s 11th December 2023 Written Updates

Sandy notices Shaurya glancing at Rajveer and Palki in today’s Kundali Bhagya 11th December 2023 episode, and he can detect envy on Shaurya’s face. Sandy suggests to Shaurya that he tell everyone that he does not want to marry Shanaya but loves Palki. Shaurya responds that he can’t back out of the engagement now since Karan and Rakhi would be disappointed. He states that Rajveer has a fantastic image in Palki and Karan’s eyes; therefore, if he wants to win Palki, he must first ruin Rajveer’s image. Continue reading to learn more about what happened in today’s episode.

Also, read the 8th December 2023 episode of Kundali Bhagya.


Palki And Rajveer


Sandy asks him how he will accomplish it, to which Shaurya responds that he just wants one correct opportunity because Rajveer will soon be out of their life forever as the antagonist. Ahead, Palki and Rajveer dance on demand with family members.  Karan is pleased to see them, but Shaurya is enraged to see them so near. Nidhi stands beside Karan, uneasy, as everyone applauds Rajveer and Palki’s performance.


What Will Happen Next In The Narrative Of Kundali Bhagya?


The forthcoming Kundali Bhagya episode will begin with everyone appreciating Rajveer and Palki’s dancing performance. Meanwhile, Shaurya resolves to dance with Palki to demonstrate that he is more comfortable with her than with Rajveer. He moves to take her hand, but she feels embarrassed and scolds him, asking him to keep within his limitations. After that, he expresses his desire to dance with her, which surprises everyone. He says he will marry her because he loves her, but he will not marry Shanaya, which tears Shanaya’s heart.

Daljeet chastises him for acting so immaturely and breaking Shanaya’s heart. He claims he never agreed to this marriage, and they cannot anticipate him marrying her. Meanwhile, Rakhi slaps him and tells him he must marry Shanaya at any cost. Rajveer becomes enraged, screaming that Palki is his love and no one can take her away from him.

What will happen next in Kundali Bhagya? Let us know what you think in the comment section below. We are also looking forward to hearing from you! Also, tune into Kundali Bhagya at 9:30 PM to discover what happens next. Also, stay tuned for further updates.

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Kavya Bisht: I am a young aspiring writer currently exploring my potential at Du. Debating, manipulation, logic and communication are what excite me. Speaking facts with the correct words and manipulation is a skill, not very common, that can be found in me. 'Bibliophile' would be a good term to use to describe me.