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Kundali Bhagya Today’s 16th February 2024 Written Updates

Kundali Bhagya Daily Updates

Today’s Kundali Bhagya 16th February 2024 episode begins with Palki being upset to find Rajveer/Shuarya avoiding her and informing him that she is going. However, Shaurya grabs her hand and leads her to the dance floor for further dancing. Palki is uneasy and asks him to go. Shaurya sees Rajveer approaching and hides behind a pillar. Meanwhile, Palki wanders out of the dance floor, snags her foot in something, and is going to fall until Rajveer saves her. Palki moves back and slaps Rajveer, who is taken aback. However, Shaurya enjoys the smack and rushes to change his clothes before anyone notices him.  Continue reading to learn more about today’s episode.

Also, read the 15th February 2023 episode of Kundali Bhagya.


Palki’s Explanation

Kundali Bhagya 4th October 2023

Sandy accompanies Shaurya into the room and assists him with changing and concealing the jacket and mask. Meanwhile, Rajveer questions Palki why she hit him. Palki informs him that he should be humiliated if he doesn’t know why. She informs him that he is attempting to shift the blame onto her, although he is the one who has been behaving strangely and unethically. Shaurya approaches them and inserts something in his pocket, pretending to resolve their conflict. Rajveer advises him to avoid it and requests Palki to explain what he did. Meanwhile, Palki informs him that he attempted to dance with her without her consent while intoxicated.


Preeta Arrives At The Hospital

Preeta Kundali Bhagya

Rajveer looks perplexed and claims that he has not been intoxicated at all, but Palki requests him to stop lying because she has seen him consume alcohol herself. She informs him he dissatisfies her, and she is unwilling to see his face. When Rajveer notices Palki leaving, he encourages her to halt and continue the discussion. On the other side, Preeta comes to the hospital to see Shrishti. Meanwhile, Karan is at the same hospital, walking down the corridor while speaking on the phone. Preeta and Karan miss each other when the screen separates them. Later, the doctor who cured Preeta takes her for another checkup, claiming he has attempted to contact Rajveer numerous times.


What Will Happen Next In Kundali Bhagya?

Meanwhile, Karan is reflecting on the results and wondering if the reports are incorrect. He also considers that he has it all wrong, knowing that Rajveer aspires to do something significant but does not know what or why. He pushes his negative emotions aside and treats him with affection if he proves to be his Rudra. Meanwhile, Rajveer informs Palki that she is accusing him of something he did not do and is attacking his reputation, which he will not tolerate. Palki informs him that she has concluded that he would not accept his flaws hence they are done.

However, Rajveer insists that it isn’t over unless he acknowledges it. He informs her there is a significant miscommunication and that he deserves a chance to show himself. Shaurya intervenes again, telling Rajveer that he noticed how he was acting with Palki and that if it had been any other female, she would have slapped him in the face. Meanwhile, Palki asks Shaurya to remain out of it while she talks to Rajveer.

What will happen next in Kundali Bhagya? Let us know what you think in the comment section below. We are also looking forward to hearing from you! Also, tune into Kundali Bhagya at 9:30 PM to discover what happens next. Also, stay tuned for further updates.

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Kavya Bisht
the authorKavya Bisht
Creative Writer
I am a young aspiring writer currently exploring my potential at Du. Debating, manipulation, logic and communication are what excite me. Speaking facts with the correct words and manipulation is a skill, not very common, that can be found in me. 'Bibliophile' would be a good term to use to describe me.

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