Today’s Anupama 2nd March 2024 episode begins with Anupama taking Pari to the restaurant following her dance session, where the staff greets the youngster with candies. Yashdeep urges her to take a break before they begin preparing for the event. She responds that she gets more energized after dancing and is eager to start immediately.
Meanwhile, Anupama informs Yashdeep about her time at the dance class, Shruti visits the restaurant, prompting Yashdeep to leave to allow the ladies some solitude. Shruti informs Anupama that she wants to drink Anupama’s masala tea, and she adds that her mental condition has been unstable lately due to recent occurrences. Continue reading to know more about today’s episode.
Also, read the Anupama episode updates.
Anupama And Shruti’s Conversation

Anupama inquires about the finalization of the wedding day. Shruti responds that the date has been delayed or possibly canceled, but she is unsure how to convey this to her parents, who are traveling to America to set the date. Shruti explains that she does not wish to bother Anupama but is there for support she shouldn’t deserve. Anupama walks to the kitchen to prepare tea for Shruti. Anuj keeps calling Shruti on her phone. Anuj rushes into the restaurant, causing everyone to assemble in fear.
Shocking Incident

When Shruti questions the situation, Anuj tells her that the plane carrying her parents has crashed and that the airport has just told him of the accident. Shruti stays frozen with a blank expression on her face as Anuj and Anupama weep lightly because none of Shruti’s parents survived the crash that occurred, causing Shruti to slip and be held by both Anuj. Shruti leans on Anuj’s shoulder and weeps for her parents, blaming herself for failing to prevent them from traveling to America.
Dimpy To Come To America

Meanwhile, Dimpy informs Leela and Hasmukh that she will not remain quiet, while Pakhi blames her for such disgusting things. Leela suggests that Dimpy teach Pakhi a lesson by slapping. Everyone falls still as Vanraj enters the house with an angry expression and scolds Pakhi for committing such a horrible act alone, after which he declares that Dimpy will accompany him to America. Shruti, on the other hand, passes out while crying. Yashdeep urges Anupama to accompany Anuj to assist him in dealing with Shruti, following which they call the doctor to Anuj’s home.
Adhya Sees Anupama
The doctor advises Shruti not to be stressed. Anupama discusses how it seems to be without one’s parents, which leads Anuj to realize that Anupama’s mother is no longer alive. Anuj holds her to soothe her while Shruti gradually returns to her senses and tears, prompting Anupama to leave the house immediately.
At the same time, Toshu claims that he has been working for Anuj over the last few days and that Anuj is still madly in love with Anupama, regardless of the previous incidents. While Anupama is about to depart, she runs into Adhya. Adhya walks into the house and is astonished to discover Anupama standing inside.
What do you think will happen next in the story? If you want to satisfy your curiosity, don’t miss today’s program. Also, share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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