
These Child Actors Of The Harry Potter Franchise Grew Up Amazing!

Harry Potter Covervia

The Harry Potter series is almost every child and adult’s most beloved stories with no doubt. For those who didn’t read the books by J.K Rowling, they did see the magic brought to life on the big screen through the movies. The franchise has done a great job keeping the same actors who played the roles of all our favorites in the first movie until the last. And of course, here are 24 of these actors who grew up to be amazingly attractive!


1. John Weasley – Rupert Grint


No one can forget this absolute sweetheart of a character – Ron Weasley. Being part of the original trio with Harry and Hermione, we’ve seen Rupert since the very first movie! Without a doubt, it doesn’t take a second look to see he’s made our jaws drop from being the adorable dork to growing up to be a hunk!


2. Harry Potter – Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Of course, it’d be a crime to not mention the star of the series itself! The protagonist of the Harry Potter world, Daniel Radcliffe himself has had a complete blow-up in front of all of our eyes! Just look at that jawline!


3. Hermione Granger – Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Emma Watson is not an uncommon name to many. It is safe to say the actress rose to fame after her role in the Harry Potter movies as Hermione Granger. She has grown up to be a definitely breathtakingly beautiful girl.


4. Draco Malfoy – Tom Felton

Tom Felton

Draco might not have been everyone’s most likes or favorite character in the series! However, the actor behind this antagonist, Tom Felton, has certainly grown to be an eye-candy!


5. Marcus Flint – Jamie Yeates

Jamie Yeates

Marcus may not have been the most visually attractive character in the movies, but in person, the boy has he glowed up! He is almost unrecognizable!


6. Neville Longbottom – Matthew Lewis


The actor playing Neville Longbottom sure has grown to be one attractive male! From the chubby little Neville to the one that makes hearts throb, Matthew Lewis certainly has some amazing genes working into him!


7. Cho Chang – Katie Leung


Katie Leung was already very breathtaking right from the first movie she starred in the series. Yet she has grown to be even prettier to this day! You can really see her matured elegance on screen and off too!


8. Ginny Weasley – Bonnie Wright

Bonnie Wright

Wright did an amazing job portraying our beloved Ron’s sister, Ginevra Weasley, or Ginny for short. Being Harry’s love interest as well, Ginny captures a lot of hearts not just on screen but also off-screen with her alluring looks!


9. Luna Lovegood – Evanna Lynch


There are no words to describe Evanna’s amazing appearance. There is just something about her that captures your heart! Her beauty has been consistent if not improved over the years!


10. Cedric Diggory – Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is yet another name everyone recognizes. The star of the Twilight series also starred in Harry Potter! Surely we don’t have to mention this actor’s attractive might!


11. Pansy Parkinson – Scarlett Byrne

Scarlett Byrne

This admirer of Draco Malfoy has several herself! It comes as no doubt that the actress who played Pansy, Scarlett, is stunning. She definitely has a strong and fierce look coupled with charming features as well!


12. Dean Thomas – Alfie Enoch


Enoch has certainly retained some of his alluring features but also has grown up incredibly well!


13. Viktor Krum – Stanislav Ianevski

Stanislav Ianevski

The eye-catching wizard from Bulgaria has some certainly noticeable features and has had a significant place in our minds as well. The Quidditch player captured the heart of not only Hermione but also several fans worldwide!


14. Colin Creevey – Hugh Mitchell

Hugh Mitchell

Colin, the beloved number one fan of Harry Potter, much like all of us, had many fans himself. His tragic and crushing story has left us all shattered, the actor behind his characterization on the big screen has certainly given us a picture of the attractive Creevey that could have been!


15. Padma Patil – Afshan Azad

Afshan Azad

Padma Patil, the Ravenclaw student of Indian Heritage certainly caught the attention of several fans. Afshan, the actress who portrayed the Padma is nothing less than angelic and has certainly upped her appearance game!


16. Lavender Brown – Jessica “Jessie” Cave

Jessica Cave

Lavender Brown, a close friend, and housemate of Padma Patil was certainly one of the cutest in the movie franchise! Her cuteness has only upped so far!


17. Lee Jordan – Luke Youngblood

Luke Youngblood

The host of ‘Potterwatch’ and the commentator of Quidditch, the Gryffindor student entertained us many. It is no surprise that Luke Youngblood now looks ridiculously attractive!


18. Oliver Wood – Sean Biggerstaff

Sean Biggerstaff

The actor playing the Quidditch ace, Oliver Wood surely has grown to be quite the eye-catching superstar!


19. Fleur Delacour – Cleménce Poésy

Cleménce Poésy

Fleur, the part Veela certainly had a very interesting role. Cleménce not only portrayed Fleur well but also has grown into a stunning woman.


20. Fred and George Weasley – James and Oliver Phelps

James and Oliver Phelps

The twins on screen are twins off-screen as well! James and Oliver, although looking tad different, are definitely one of the best looking of the Weasley family all grown up!


21. Gregory Goyle – Joshua Herdman

Joshua Herdman

Joshua Herdman not only brought out the cunning Gregory but also grew up to be quite the heart stealer!


22. Seamus Finnigan – Devon Murray

Devon Murray

Devon Murray is a  definite heartthrob in both: the Harry Potter movies where he plays Seamus and also in real life!


23. Percy Weasley – Chris Rankin

Chris Rankin

Chris Rankin certainly looks like a completely different person off screen but hey, no complaints at all!


24. Dudley Dursley – Harry Melling

Harry Melling

The chubby cousin of Harry Potter certainly looks otherwise in person! He sure has all of our attention here!

For all Harry Potter fans, we are sure you liked reading about your favorite characters. If you are fond of Hollywood movies, then do you know there are several superstars who landed up in jail too. Check out, if your favorite stars also made it to jail.

Raunak Samaiya
the authorRaunak Samaiya
Senior Editor
When I am Free, I Love Writing; When I Am Busy, I Must Be Writing. Passionate About Cricket and Movies

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