
These Are The Tips For Writing A Bollywood Movie Review

Bollywood Movie Review

Bollywood is just a separate culture. When you are tasked to write a quality review on it, you may want to address this assignment from another angle than only any movie review you have written before. Why? Because it is Bollywood, everything about it is different! We have asked our friends, a team of professional essay writers from Smart Writing Service to share some practical tips on how to write a quality Bollywood movie review and also have fun writing it online. Let’s start with some theory; it will help you to understand the phenomenon of Indian filmography much better. And when you understand something, it is easier for you to analyze it deeper and explain it better.


What Is The Bollywood Movie Phenomenon?

Dil Bechara Trailer

India releases over a thousand films annually. It is three times more than in Hollywood, and several times more than in Movies of India in any other country in the world. The annual turnover of the film industry in India exceeds one and a half billion US dollars.

Each Indian film combines emotional tension, fiery songs, a fantastic cocktail of colors – all this merges together on the screen, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

Often the plots of Indian cinema are not very complicated, perhaps even naive, but this does not prevent Indian films from conquering more and more audience hearts. Every year, more and more people are imbued with a sense of respect and interest in Indian cinema. Still, a few years ago, no one would have thought that it would be possible to watch Indian films online, at any time, so popular they become.

Most often, Bollywood tells us about earthly values – about blood feud and irrepressible love, in incredible longing and joy. This art is imbued with philosophical notes that help us look at the world in a new way. It makes no sense to look for the subtext in such films – they teach us to be ourselves, be simpler, and not look at the world around us through a mask.


How To Write A Good Bollywood Movie Review

  • Understand a main character’s position. The courageous, firm position of the protagonist is one of the key components of a modern Indian film, which does not exclude, however, a more serious interference in his life by a powerful fate.
  • Accept the fatalism and try to show it in your review. Indian cinema, having adopted a lot from European ones, is still closely connected with Indian ideas about fundamental values, good and evil, radically different from Western ones. The rural community here, as a rule, is not ready to part with their traditions; the police are corrupt, and there is nothing to be done about it; a raped girl commits suicide in most cases; families contract marriages; street sweepers will never become MPs, and happy love is possible only after death. Indian cinema, like any other, fulfills a certain social order. For example, the paintings often feature marriages between a Hindu and a Muslim woman, or vice versa. We are told that religious prejudice is bad, but we understand that, in reality, religion strictly prohibits marriages with gentiles.
  • Follow the operator, not a screenwriter. In European series, as a rule, the writer’s attention is riveted on the development of the plot. In the Indian, in all likelihood, the main assistant to the scriptwriter is the operator, who needs to “hit” the face of the crying heroine for several minutes from different angles so that the viewer feels the whole depth of her grief.
  • Bollywood movies are always about values. Find them. The main advantage of modern Indian cinema, with all its unusual brightness, is that it raises the simplest topics to the level of universal ones. What is more important — career or happiness; how to treat a terrorist if he is your husband; how to fight for your rights with corrupt officials? The answer to these questions would be unambiguous in European cinema, which, by the way, is generally much more categorical in distinguishing between good and evil than oriental cinema. About a career and happiness, everyone has long ago understood that everyone has their own vision; terrorists must be fought to the bitter end; as for the fight against corruption – “yes, of course, there is a problem, we are solving it.” Indians are much less blinkered; that’s the beauty of their films. A good hero is good, but unfortunately, the bad character will win because that’s fate.


Extra Writing Tips For Busy Students

Bollywood movies usually are considerably longer than Hollywood or European films. And to write a quality movie review, you need to watch a movie in question two, better three times. Do you have that kind of time? If not, it may be a good idea to address a reliable writing service to help you out. First of all, they have writers who specialize in this kind of assignment. Second, if you are not planning to become a movie critic one day, giving this task ten plus hours of your life doesn’t seem like a fair trade.

If your problem is not time but rather procrastination and writing efficiency, we want to offer you to try a world-famous Pomodoro system. Write for 25 minutes, have a 5 or 10-minute break, later write for 25 minutes more. After four 25-minute Pomodoros take a break for 20 minutes, it helps to continue writing without getting distracted too much. It keeps your brains toned up. Also, to minimize distraction, use social media blockers on your phone and PC. Trust us, nothing would happen there in 25 minutes that you cannot attend to later. Good luck!

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator

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